So what have we been up to? Well I am not even going to upload a lot of Christmas pictures. There just too many to choose but Wii had a lot of fun.
Maddy, Abby and I went to the 2nd annual Girl Scout Chocolate Festival. We brought milk chocolate cupcakes with milk chocolate frosting and we ate so many other chocolate things. Yum Yum. This is a must do for us every year!
Vinod turned 41 in January. The girls had a lot of fun helping their dad celebrate.
Maddy had her 3rd spelling bee in January. I am not allowed to write much but persimmon is not her favorite word.
As a special treat for all of her hard work in the spelling bee (she worked really hard) I took the girls and Maddy's friend Chris to a pet store to play with some four legged friends and after we got some ice cream. It was such a nice day we ate it outside.
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