13 September, 2007

Busy week but not a lot done.

This week we didn't do a whole lot. Maddy had her first girl scout meeting and they went to the girl scout office and shopped for their uniforms. Maddy got a sash. Now I just need to sew and iron on her patches. Next week Abby will be starting her group, she cant wait.

Both of the girls really enjoyed their 2ND week of dance. I took Tabitha over to a little deli and got a cookie. She is now signing, more, eat, bath and all done. She ate her cookie and asked for more, eat more, and then she dropped cookie on the floor and said bath and when she was out of water she said all done. She is really learning well!
Today I took Tabitha to the park and I remembered to take the camera. She had a lot of fun sliding DOWN (yea!!!) the slide. After a while she started signing more but quickly it was time to go home and take a nap.
Oh and Tabitha is vocalizing a word very well these days. No. Some times it has a nice squeal to it and other times she emphasised the o. The girls love to ask her if she loves them just to hear her no answer.