17 March, 2008

Playing Catch-up

What a busy week we have had! So much happening in the Joshi home! We have had some great weather to play in so the sun and a little wind occupied a lot of our time last week!
So what did we do?
Maddy just loves Lucy. She is such a big help too. Maddy was so happy when Lucy fell asleep in her lap while she was reading a book. Maddy helps with her walks, feeding her and her naps!
Tabitha is about to climb out of her crib. On the verge of falling out we quickly switched her to her toddler bed, but she is having some problems falling asleep and the freedom wasn't helping so we put her back in her crib with a watchful eye!


Abby has started soccer and she loves her team and her coach! She did very well at her practice and cant wait for her first game in 2 weeks!At practice Vinod and Tabitha had a conference call....

We went to the park 3 days, and took 2 walks and played with the neighbors twice. Spring is here!